I started the first few Sports Marketing classes with a lot of apprehension. It was the first time that I was in a class that had so many people who were passionate and serious about marketing. The first team assignment was a wake-up call for me when a couple of groups probably outshone us. It was only like a 5% assignment but they took the effort to be really detailed, having props & even went on to calculate discount rate (although I thought that group was just being 'extra') .
But I guess that really spurred us to put in more effort in our final project & coupled with our 'hatred' for another group (B.E. guys are quite bitchy I realized! haha) , I thought we really really kicked major ass during presentation last week. Obviously there's still a written report to be graded, but based solely on the presentations that every group did, I'm quite confident that we were definitely up there.
Based on ideas, creativity & execution, this project is probably one-up over the Tiger Beer & URA projects that I did last semester. Which is a good thing I guess. =)

Internship: XM Asia Pacific
I guess I've gotten what I wanted. Of all the internship openings that SMU offered, this was the only "Account Executive" opening they had (until the DraftFCB opening came up on the day I got accepted for XM-Asia Pacific. damn...)
And for the last time, "account executive" isn't a finance internship. In a marketing agency, a client such as SIA is an account. The account manager is in charge of SIA's branding strategies etc. Geddit?
Anyway, I'm quite excited to finally work at a marketing agency. Advertising probably isn't as glamorous & uber-fun as I have envisioned it to be but I hope that I will learn tons of stuff & that should help me to decide on my career path in a year's time.
Sigh... One more year and I will join the 2 million plus gormless & souless worker-bees jostling for space on the 8am train. =(
Lin has gotten her first choice exchange university, which is in Ontario Canada (yeah, Canada again)
She's really really excited & delirious about it but as much as I am happy for her, I can't help but feel abit sad.
I didn't think that I would feel this way until I was talking to Kelda a few weeks ago. Somehow I told her that Lin was going on an exchange & that I wasn't going, her first response was "Oh no." , which kinda surprised me.
But I guess I got what Kelda meant now. Five months suddenly seems like a terribly long time. And it's abit depressing to sense that Lin doesn't seem the least bit sad about not seeing me for 5 months.
Ha... bugger.