I was walking the Orchard underpass with Lin when I got bored and 'challenged' her to do a tongue twister.
I whipped out my handphone and typed the tongue twister into it, afterwhich she naively and pretty enthusiastically chanted it with as much gusto as a gifted big blond in the crowded underpass.
Sofa King Good. Sofa King Good. Sofa King Good. Sofa King Good. Sofa King Good. Sofa King Good.
Haha. Ben4 Dan4.
Kennyster @
1:05 AM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Post-exams Fun...
Oh dear, the election sweetener which the government has given me for my unwithering loyalty is ALMOST all gone... Splurged $745 on a Panasonic Lumix FZ 5 yesterday at Sim Lim Square.
Been wanting to expand my interest in photography for the longest time ever. I was choosing between Canon's Powershot S2 IS and the Panasonic one, both pretty good non-SLR long-range 12x zoom cameras. SLR cameras are out because firstly, they are too expensive and secondly, I am still afterall an amateur photographer.
So no point getting a SLR camera anyway. It will be like having a Ferrari when I only know how to drive around in first gear. Guess it's probably better to get an intermediate model to play about and advance slowly to the professional levels.
But I am still quite confused over all the ISO, lens filter and aperture settings. What on earth are those things?? haha. But it's okay...Give me a couple of months more and I will be a kick-ass semi-pro photographer!
(Taken while onboard the Luge ride at)
(An evening shot of Sentosa beach)
(Trying to look like contestants from the Amazing Race.. haha..)
Sentosa is really becoming hip and cool! The coffee bean area at the the Beach Carpark there is developing into a really nice place to hang out and I think they are constructing a musical fountain along the beach line as well... Way awesome!
Kennyster @
8:05 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tentative TravelPlans
(uh-oh.. spelling error.. "Bankruptcy..."
Probably quite ambitious but I think it will be an interesting experience to see how well (bad) we handle our finances. =)
Kennyster @
12:25 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
Chapter 14: Reproduction in Animals
For some strange reason, my primary 5 tuition girl is very open and curious about male and female reproductive parts. I have no idea why the MOE shifted the Reproduction in Animals chapter from Sec2 to Primary5, but whatever the reason is, I think it is too early to teach them about such stuff.
I'm not sure about the rest of the pri5 kids, but my tuition girl is obsessed with this chapter. For the first time ever, she does readings and voluntarily pose me questions from the textbook. For instance, once, she pointed to a picture of a male toad on top of a female toad and asked me what they were doing.
"They are humping each other", I had wanted to say, but didn't.
"They are fusing their reproductive parts together to combine the male sperm with the female egg to produce offsprings." I replied, marvelling at my ability to get out of a sticky (pun, hur hur) situation.
"That's it?", she said, raising her eyebrow quizzically. "I mean how do they do it exactly?"
"You don't have to know how they do it exactly. Just know that they can do it can already."
Now, one and a half month later, it seems that she has passed on her rich knowledge to her younger sisters. I was having tuition with her last week when the youngest sister, who's in Primary 2, was jumping around in the same room. Somehow, my tuition kid went to show her something from her encyclopedia and they started giggling.
Out of the blue, the youngest sister exclaimed pretty loudly," Aiyah, daddy also have pen-nis what!"
My jaws dropped till dislocation point.
Oh dear. Their mum is going to lay the smack-down on me when she finds out about this. Worse still, what will their father do to me? From what I had gathered, their dad is a pretty big-shot lawyer, whom I assume probably loves the death penalty.
What will he demand for such blatant moral corruption of his young, innocent and dearest daughters?
"Castration, your honour, is the only solution."
Kennyster @
11:55 PM
The Unpretty
Kenny Loh
Formerly from Dunman High, VJC and formerly a proud member of the 2SIR 11th mono Alpha Company Apache warriors.
Currenly a 3rd year student at the Singapore Management University.
I'm into books, pool, soccer & conversation (by day), justice, honour & vengeance (by night).
Constantly on the lookout for crimelords, deformed megalomaniacs and women.