What's with women and their love for getting their nails done?
I just don't get it. It's a form of pampering that we guys will never be able to understand. Ever.
Our loss maybe. But seriously, what's the thrill???
I mean, if women are spending money on say, dental care services for example, I can totally understand. After all, adult teeth are permanent and irreplacable and one may want to take good care of them.
But nails?!!!
Unlike teeth, nails will grow back even if they are chipped or broken right?
Kennyster @
1:22 AM
Monday, March 28, 2005
Underachiever, please try harder
So you know those days/weeks/months when everything is just happening at once and suddenly you realise you haven't slept for more than 5 hours a night since God-knows-when and then when you try to read things your brain feels like it is starting to shut down?
There is so much to do, no time whatsoever, and everything wants to come to a climax right now.
BUT I will be fine.. Just 20 more days and the exams would be over.
And then it would be the summer break-- the favourite holiday period of every university student in Singapore.
Seriously, get excited!
It's gonna be 4 months of debaunchery like you don't even know!
(haha,okay, maybe not.)
Kennyster @
1:32 AM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
There is something magnetic about unexplained laughter. It is not just the simple desire to enjoy a burst of happiness, but the burning curiosity it creates about the cause. When a gunman is holed up in a beseiged building, the police always try threats and plea-bargaining and appeals from his family members to lure him out.
It would be much quicker if, on the count of three, they all fell about in hysterics; the gunman would be out in a flash saying,"What? What is it?"
(Reader Digest)
Kennyster @
5:06 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
He's Not Gay After ALL!!! haha
The toils and tribulations of school projects are coming to an end. The exams are round the corner. It's time to hit the books.
AND oh, to those who have been trying to get me via email at sobakawa@operamail.com, I am so terribly sorry that I have not replied any of these mails. As i receive a paltry one or two personal emails a week, I don't check the mail very often.
And I have this horrible habbit of consistently going ages and ages without replying, leaving those poor, lonely messages in my Inbox until their big puppy eyes bug me too much and I have to let them go.
Best to avoid the situation altogether, (whether it makes me a bad friend or not), I suggest that if you have anything imperative or importunate, just call me on my mobile phone ya?
I have just gotten FREE incomings, so I will be nice.
Kennyster @
12:05 AM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
So Chelsea wins again
Shouldn’t I just embrace Chelsea as a great side?
I do not deny they are a very talented side. But let’s think that this was only achievable by £260 million pounds spent over the last eighteen months?
Surely then it will be inevitable that they will win the title eventually with this amount of cash spent. The fact that seems to elude Chelsea fans is that even if they do win the league, they will never be fully respected, just as the case was for Blackburn in the 90s.
Kennyster @
9:32 AM
Monday, March 14, 2005
Why is everyone staring at me? I wondered.
Don't they have better things to do?
I thought I was just being paranoid. Then I realised that I was stared at for a pretty good reason.
I was standing in the middle of the seminar room, and everyone else was in the audience, waiting for me to do something meaningful.
The show wasn't over. It had only just begun.
*** Presentations are EVERYTHING in SMU. Having videos and impressive powerpoint slides are the standard fare here. Creativity is king, time and effort crucial. Every group is trying to out-do one another. Flash animations, interactive videos, musicals, dance, power suits, costumes... Every group's idea is as different as Mars and Venus, as contradistinctive as men and women.
Perhaps this is what that sets us apart from other business students in Singapore.
They graduate with a business degree. We graduate with a major in business and a minor in drama.
Kennyster @
6:46 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Do They Know It's My Birthday?
Yes they do! Yes they do!
Lots of hugs and kisses for those who remembered my birthday. Thanks for the sms-es, thanks for the cakes, thanks for the presents, thanks for the hugs, thanks for the kisses.
Thank you.
And I was seriously planning to write down all the stuff that has kept me occupied for the past 2 weeks. Hmm, but I can't seem to remember anything.
haha. A year older and a whole lot more forgetful.
You could probably tell me anything in strict confidence, knowing that five minutes later I would have completely forgotten what you have just said. =)
Kennyster @
11:43 AM
The Unpretty
Kenny Loh
Formerly from Dunman High, VJC and formerly a proud member of the 2SIR 11th mono Alpha Company Apache warriors.
Currenly a 3rd year student at the Singapore Management University.
I'm into books, pool, soccer & conversation (by day), justice, honour & vengeance (by night).
Constantly on the lookout for crimelords, deformed megalomaniacs and women.