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Saturday, November 27, 2004


The exams are finally over!!! yipee yay! haha... Happy that it's over, but I dont think I would be getting good grades this term ( Sorry Dean, won't be making your list this year... next term i will try a little bit harder ya? )

Stats exams were the most HORRIBLE for me. haha. Serves me right for doing, or rather attempting last minute mugging for Stats101A ...

During the examination, all the formulas were rocketing around my skull causing all manner of brain damage.

Calm. I can do this.


Great. Tears were preparing to make their dramatic way down my cheeks.. haha..(kidding').

BUT seriously, I was actually contemplating stapling a fifty dollar note to my little blue-colored SMU examination booklet, and written next to the money is this:

"Dear Prof. , I would like to buy an A- please."

Kennyster @
4:09 PM

Saturday, November 20, 2004


I knew it I knew it!!!

Although Slyvester bombed badly yesterday on Singapore Idol with his you-goota-be-kidding-me Ah-beng-dified version of the Phantom of the Opera, I had this gut feeling ( or "spidey-sense" as i would like to call it ) that Slyvester would still be in the final two.

Just look at his fan-club. Just about every school girl from St Nichs, TKGS, SCGS and MGS etc. worships Slyvester. It doesnt even matter what songs he sings really. He would have got in even if he has sung his school song instead.

Haha. What's with girls and their obsessions with bad boys??

Although if you ask any woman on the street what she's looking for in a man, chances are she'll tell you that she wants a nice guy who will take care of her in a if-I-get-hit-by-a-car-and-never-walk-again-you'll-stand-by-me-forever sort of way.

BUT as most guys my age should know by now, what women say and what they actually do are genrally miles apart.

Girls do dig bad boys. They will fall all over themselves trying to get to a Bad Boy who will use and abuse them. Just look at David Yeo, typical nice NUS dude with good voice.( Kicked out)..Slyvester, blondish hair, bad-boy image, sings boy-band songs... ( in the grand finals. )

As I've said in an old post, I think girls like to believe that inside every heartless bastard is a small boy yearning to be loved. But their theory falls shorts as they don't understand that there are certain types of heartless bastards who if hacked in two would only be found to contain yet another heartless bastard.

I'm not saying Slyvester is a heartless bastard, but women generally act on impulse and emotion rather than fact.

And since I guess most people who called in to vote are young females, who do you suppose brings out these same irrepressible emotions in women???

Slyvester of course!

Kennyster @
1:26 PM

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


My first paper is on the 23 November, so that gives me-- quiet, let me think-- 6 days to the exams.. *Advanced Disbelief*

( "You Are So Dead" pops up in my head, does a couple of laps round my skull and vanishes..)

haha.. Shucks, shucks, shucks, Time to burn gallons of midnight oil, whole Iraqi oil fields of the goddam stuff.


And jeez, apparently Budak Pantai, as in REALLy the Budak Pantai, reads blogs, including mine... haha.. Quite hard to believe la, its like Britney Spears typing in ur msg board "Thanks for buying my Perogative CD! seeya ard" ... haha.. But how can I compare Britney Spears with Budak Pantai right??

You guys are like so much better.... [*ass licking* ]

Anyway, just wanna say it was an awesome concert (more shameless ass-licking). I was laughing so hard that ppl ard me could see right down my throat.( okay okay,I know what to do..*slaps myself*)

AND should you guys need a new member to , i dunno *shrugs*, feel up more space on CD covers or to sing with Fann Wong, you have my webbie add ya??

In all honesty, I do fit the criteria of trademarketed Budak Pantai performances,.... Off pitch singing (or in my case, pitchless singing, think mr. careless whisper..), lots of irrelevant nonsense (pretty apparent from this post)....

And hey, best of all, you guys can finally boast of a member who grew up in the 90s!!

haha.. Im just kidding btw... But great work u guys! *thumps chest* RESPECT!!

Kennyster @
1:06 PM

Monday, November 15, 2004

MAN U FINALLY SCORES!!! (man u 3 newcastle 1)

I am typing very calmly, but inside Im squeaking with excitement...*does a victory lap around the living room*

woohoo! haha.. I think I'm one of the very few who believes that the Red Devils can still win the Premiership this season... =)

"No dreamer is ever too small, no dream is ever too big."

It's ONLY like an 11 pt gap.... Come on! Raaahhhhh.

Kennyster @
11:57 AM

Sunday, November 14, 2004

School Semester is Ending....

Yup, 12 weeks of school is coming to an end, and despite the hectic projects, I think school life has been a blast thus far. And if there's a module which I'm going to miss the most, its definitely Communication 101 class.

I really enjoyed this module alot and the Prof. (Dr Ong Siow Heng) has been really great too. haha. But interestingly, most of us (including me) actually didn't like him or his lessons initially.

Cant really remember why, but perhaps it was because he looked very serious at first, didnt smile and he was intimidating. This guy talks with amazingly precise enunciation, in perfect sentences, if not paragraphs. He's like some karate black belt holder in the art of paraphrasing and debating.

Don't mess. he will break your neck.

Haha. And his articles are extremely SICK. SICK as in disgustingly cheem. He has penned several articles for the Straits Times and some of the articles which he gave us were IN-COM-PRE-HEN-DA-BLE!!! Im sure his students will never ever forget that infamous "Second Persona"...

"The critic can see in the auditor implied by a discourse a model of what the rhetor would have this real auditor become. What the critic can find projected by the discourse is the image of a man, and though that man may never find actual embodiment, it is still a man that the image is of."

After talking through portions of the article, he looked at us like we didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

Which we didn't.

Imagine reading 15 pages of such cheemalogical crap??? I felt like some Alcatraz lifer thinking that there was no way in hell I was going to get through the course alive.

But as weeks went by, his lessons became more fun as we warmed up to him and vice versa. He also started smiling ( a-la Slyvester from Singapore Idol ) and he started cracking jokes.

Prof. Ong is stand-up comedy material Im telling you. He jokes with such a straight face that he becomes such an endearing person and whatever barriers which stood between him and us disappeared in an instant.

And the past 3 weeks had been magnificent as well. We had to promote products or services and somehow through these products/services, you actually get to know a person better... And i also think that we are going to end up remembering one another by the things we sell rather than our names.. haha..

And I also successfully made a fool of myself in one of the group video commercial presentations which did in the last week.

But I guess it's OKAY la since the overall video was pretty cool and the class did love our commercials and did crack up.

( Okay okay, so self-perception and reality seldom collide. But I would really like to believe that I brought a smile to people's faces ya? )

Kennyster @
11:49 PM

Friday, November 05, 2004


I think i broke some bones...

Kennyster @
10:11 PM

Thursday, November 04, 2004


To all Budak Pantai fans, Budak Pantai will be holding its 10th anniversary celebration concert at the Esplanade on the 13 Nov 2004. As quoted from the BlueMoo website, it will be a show of epic proportion, featuring a full hour and a half of ALL th usual Budak nonsense- offpitch singing, useless banter and irrelevent humour!

In the meantime, you should know that TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE from SISTIC at $38, $28, and half price for these for students (young at heart not counted) - Click HERE to go to Sistic and buy online!

Come with me ya!

Kennyster @
9:32 AM

The Unpretty

Kenny Loh
Formerly from Dunman High, VJC and formerly a proud member of the 2SIR 11th mono Alpha Company Apache warriors.
Currenly a 3rd year student at the Singapore Management University.

I'm into books, pool, soccer & conversation (by day), justice, honour & vengeance (by night).

Constantly on the lookout for crimelords, deformed megalomaniacs and women.

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