WX (Weixiong):
Some people seek trouble, some attract it, some are oblivious to it, and the normal majority maintain a healthy distance from it.
Well, WX falls into all of the first 3 categories.
haha. A true daredevil who sneaks out of camp ALL the time, living life on the edge, he's the man with the "giant balls of steel".
(And also the most likely to be stealing gals' undergarments in NUS in a month's time. =) )
John Guk:
I don't think this guy needs introducing. haha. I heard ALOT of things about him from frends during his NUS arts orientation days... Quite a buaya eh? haha
Nothing new lah. haha. Apparently when he left the dancefloor that night, the sound of a hundred women tearing their eyes away from his body "was like velcro". *rolls eyes*
Lucky bastard! Ha, but he's also a fucking vainpot lah. I swear if someone breaks into his house, he would gel up his hair, patiently choose his super flowery and retro shirt and tie up his shoelaces, check himself in the mirror for that 'one last time' before tackling the intruder.
Pierre: Lots of ppl in camp pronounce his name as 'Pear'. I don't know why, but i think he's used to it.
Undoubtly the most organized among all of us, he's the one who plans most (actually all) of the soccer games, lan games, movie outings blah blah...
He probably gained all this organizing skills from being a former VJC vice-president of the library council... haha..
And oh, other than the fact that i lost all my 3 phones in his presence, he's prob. the most trustworthy among all of us as well.. Good lad!
Me!: haha.. What's there to say?? To be honest, i probably do have more faults than them combined, (heh heh), so ya, im thankful that they were there with me for the past one yr plus...
We rock!!
Today is the official last day of my 2 1/2 yrs national service... Fond memories to carry with me always and with my huge bag of barang barang under my arm, I step out of the office building for the very last time.
The sun is shining.
Kennyster @
3:35 PM
Sunday, June 27, 2004
I was browsing through Beliefnet and I came across this article written by Marcia Ford, which I thought was pretty good, so kinda decided to copy and paste here... =)
"The year had been a particularly bad one for the parents in our church—the parents, that is, of children who were now adults. Many of the middle-aged and elderly mothers, in particular, shouldered burdens that kept them pretty close to the brink of despair. They have to deal with their children’s broken marriages and alcoholism and occult practices. The fear of the parents, who were trying so hard to trust God through all of this, was palpable.
One Sunday morning, our pastor interrupted his sermon on hope right after commenting on the fear he sensed among the parents in the congregation. “Those of you who have adult children that you’re praying for, children who have left the faith or never embraced the faith and are now living apart from God, I want you to stand,” he said. The rest of us sat and watched as these grieving parents stood, some hunched over with the weight they were carrying, some doing everything in their power to keep from crying.
The pastor’s next words, in which he encouraged those standing to never give up hope, seemed to offer little consolation.
But then he continued: “Now, those of you who were once wayward children, who in your adult years had strayed far from God but have since returned, I want you to stand.” As dozens of us rose to our feet—yes, of course, I was part of the second group—he said, “Moms, Dads—there’s your hope."
Sometimes when we’ve strayed from God, we keep right on straying because we’ve managed to convince ourselves that He is so displeased with us that we’re as good as disinherited. If the Father is that mad at us, there’s no hope of reconciliation, is there? So we sink deeper and deeper into sin.
But the truth is, he still considers us very much His children. He’s just waiting for us to return to Him, so He can enfold His loving arms around us once again.
Kennyster @
11:06 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
The Most Kick-Ass Concert Ever!
So what if they were late by 1 1/2 hrs...
So what if we had to fight our way through the crowd, risking hand-to-hand combat with whoever was in our way so as to get a good spot?
So what if they got a really really sucky S.Korean band( their singing was damn bad btw..( they shd just call themselves Sound Pollution ) to open for them??
The concert was simply awesome.
Ha. I'm sorry but i really can't think of any other words to describe it. I mean, if you are unhappy with a performance, it's so easy to describe since we are all able to talk-slash-bitch-slash-bitch.somemore about it. But when everything is so wonderful and enjoyable, you don't stand there and try to articulate that feeling, you are too busy being it...
It was just... awesome. =)
Kennyster @
5:04 PM
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Friday was the all-guys night out as usual. Chilled out in town, had dinner at Nooch, played lan and pool ...
Pretty usual stuff but hanging out with them (the vjc arts gang) is always fun because with a guys' day out, you are bound to see lots of obligatory innuendo and infantile behaviour. (such as checking out pretty gals with our texbook performance of enormous stage yawns, combined with a 2-armed stretch, thereafter finishing with a casual head roll of owl-like dimensions.. haha).
Sometimes its really hard to believe that we would be going to our respective law and business schools in 2 months time.
Anyway, Shengjie and I stayed over at Pierre's house to catch Euro Cup soccer. The match was crap but pierre's apartment is good to chill out since its damn spacious.
( Okay, maybe 'apartment' isn't exactly the correct word to describe pierre's place since what I live in is an apartment -- and my apartment would fit nicely in his bedroom..=) )
( Kelda's birthday party last sat. )
Kennyster @
11:49 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2004
I think I've just been retrenched
June15- Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean announces that with effect from today, National Service(NS) training will be cut by 6 months to a max. of 2 yrs, as the military shifts into the "3rd generation SAF", relying more on technology than manpower.
Dammit. I was supposed to be clearing my leave in July, coming back to camp for like 2 days but yet still collect my full one month pay.
So now instead, I'm going to be a jobless civilian in 10 days time.
Life isn't just funny man. Its downright neurotic.
( haha, does anyone want to employ me??? I can babysit and sweep the floor..=) )
Kennyster @
8:03 AM
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Buffet or gym??
Debate ensues. Saturday morning choices are: visiting the tampines gym with my friend for a 2hr hopefully-bicep-pumping-abs-developing punishment session or go splurge wastefully on a Breeks buffet with mel and gang.
Calories on or off. Fats on or off.
Not so tough a decision actually.
I grabbed my handphone and wallet and kicked my gym bag just a little bit further under my desk.
Out of sight out of mind mah.. *grinz*
I'm just lazy lah.... lol.
Kennyster @
12:38 PM
Friday, June 11, 2004
It's not that I'm getting self-conscious or anything but i was chatting with this friend of mine and somehow we came to talking about me. About my virtues and flaws (i think my flaws outnumber virtues 25-1 *grinz*)
I was pretty amused when she told me that she felt that I was suffering from F.O.C ( Fear of Commitment) ( Somehow girls like to use acronyms. I.D.K.W ( i dont know why )
In her own words, when it came to committing to anyone, I was apparently "as cautious as a naked guy clumbing a barb-wire fence"...
haha.. Like damn exaggerated can. I'm not THAT bad am i? haha
But she also goes on to say that humans are born with plentiful of flaws. Many animals are stronger than us, quicker than us, have bigger teeth, can run faster, swim faster, can fly, see in the dark, change their colour etc.
In the animal olympics we ain't getting any gold medals.
But humans are intelligent. We are smart enough to deceive, to manipulate etc. In short, we don't adapt to our environment, we adapt our environment to suit us.
How true.
Kennyster @
5:52 PM
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Ha, okay these pictures were taken weeks ago but i've only received them recently from sujuan. Was playing with the photos so i thought might as well post them up. =)
Speaking of JC frends, i have been catching up with quite a few JC buddies lately. We were pulled apart after graduating out of VJC, and we definitely made many new friends who were important to the time and place.
BUT as life belched me out of another volcano, these people are the ones that spring up in my life again and again. =)
For which I feel really blessed. Thank you.
Met up with Tianfu today to play table tennis as well. I swear people look different once get back their pink ICs after ORD.
His face was positively glowing and he was smiling ALL day, which pissed me off a little. haha. And to make matters worse, his smiles are like one of those angels around baby Jesus kind of smiles.( I'm not kidding!). Happy, no worries, contented-- all captured in the upward turn of 2 lips.
I'm so goddamn jealous. Argh.
I.Cant't.Wait.To.ORD. ( 54 more days.)
( She made us squat! )
Kennyster @
5:31 PM
Sunday, June 06, 2004
I'm so used to being busy in camp that once give a 2 wk break, I'm pretty much at a loss as to what to do man. So i ended up doing the kind of things u do in hotel rooms-- wandering around lazily, opening drawers and cupboards, casing the mini-fridge, flipping through the TV channels, hitting 'next''next''next'...
Spent Wed night visiting Patrina who's ill at the moment. When a friend you care for is sick or in pain, many things that seemed so important yesterday become insignificant. But it was really really comforting to see that she is still so chirpy and upbeat.. ( May the Lord continue to bless you with His courage, His power, and His love ya? =) )
And oh, apparently there have been complaints that my driving is 'scary' .. haha. Wat nonsense! Okay, so i did forget to swich on the headlights at night (anyone cld have make that mistake!). And that i also did not exactly keep in lane... haha, but Im a P-plate after all, cant expect me to move in and out of traffic like a GrandPix driver and the rest of the cars were little orange cones rite? *grinz*
The rest of the week were coma-inducing boring days ( sort of like daytime re-runs of american soap operas except minus the commercials)
Sunday morning was spent at Church. John was MIA so spent the day with Neltje Foo ( ex-classmate slash shopaholic extraodinaire). I think she eyed about 132 pairs of denim skirts in like 2 hrs haha. Her shopping enthusiasm was rubbing on me as well and i ended up buying a pair of shoes from hush puppies. I was actually eyeing the pair from Camper but the shoe had a camper price sticker on the side adding up to half my monthly salary. *damn*
Bought a new wallet from Takashimaya too. Nel was psycho-ing me to buy one from the Projectshop which cost about $40. It was pretty trendy but i ended up buying a $9.90 from the department store.
It's black and dull but it can still be used. And its cheap. ( This last, very impt! )
Kennyster @
11:17 PM
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
The past one week hasn't been a great one by any means. A lousy one, in fact. On Monday, the bombshell was dropped -- that the NSF commanders were required to take part in a July exercise which we were initially PROMISED that we would not be needed.
The seven day field camp isn't the main problem actually. The thing is, July is the month were all of us are clearing our leaves and some even taking part in universities orientation camps already-- and the Bridgade Commander, slash Moron, is insistent that we would take part.
Empty promises of letting us clear our entitled leaves... Missing our orientation camps.. Jeez, how do I describe this feeling?? Its.. its like being warmed up nicely in front of a log fire, then having a ton of ice cubes dropped down your trousers.
The thing about my battalion is that it has alot of ambition but no brains. Shouldn't they have anticipated that the NSFs would not be around in the July period?? Cramming all the stuff in July is just pure stupidity. A HUGE elephantine fuck-up.
Seriously, if ever me and the bridgade commd. are in the same plane and it crashed on a deserted island and we have plenty of rations and a rescue helicopter had been spotted, I WOULD STILL EAT HIM.
Kennyster @
12:08 PM
The Unpretty
Kenny Loh
Formerly from Dunman High, VJC and formerly a proud member of the 2SIR 11th mono Alpha Company Apache warriors.
Currenly a 3rd year student at the Singapore Management University.
I'm into books, pool, soccer & conversation (by day), justice, honour & vengeance (by night).
Constantly on the lookout for crimelords, deformed megalomaniacs and women.